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21 Sep

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

Phlilippians 1:6

These are some serious words of wisdom for a basket case like me!

Funfetti Cookies

21 Sep

How cute are these? I’m gonna need to make these for someone!

thorns pt. 2

12 Sep

Not too long I after I posted “Thorns” I read this post from Donald Miller. I seriously never go to his website, but I’m glad I did. This is my favorite part.

“It’s true we impress people with our supposed perfections, but we connect with each other in our flaws.

I’d rather be connected than perfect. After talking to my friend tonight about our flaws, I’m going to bed connected. Feels pretty good. Hope you’ve got some folks to celebrate your flaws with too.”


12 Sep

At some point last week John Piper tweeted something along the lines of “Don’t waste your thorn.” Those are some good words. I really connected with that. I have what I perceive to be an ugly thorn pressing me in my side. I don’t like it. But, I can say with 100% assurance that my God has met me where my thorn presses deeply and because of that I will boast. Clearly, I’m not boasting in my own ability to master my sin, because clearly I can’t do that, but I can boast in a savior that profoundly loves me better than anyone earth ever could. I am loved thorns and all. And you are too for that matter!

31 Jul

I live a rather lonely life these days. I don’t say that for sympathy, it’s just a fact. I seriously do very little outside of work. This weekend was, thankfully, a different story. Originally I didn’t have any plans. One of my roommates took me across the street to a friend’s house and we made martinis on Friday night. They were real martinis, no added flavor. And for the record, a standard martini is gross. We drank our martinis and spent the night talking. I worked all day Saturday. After work I didn’t have any plans. My roommate took me to the Summit with our neighbor where we enjoyed Zoey’s and went shopping. We finished our night at Church Street Coffee and Books. We enjoyed our tea and talked extensively about our Myers-Briggs personality type (I’m an E/INFP). Sunday I worked. I came home from work and took a little nap before meeting a long, lost friend for dinner at Surin.

I’m giving a detailed description of my weekend (I’m sure you care) because it meant the world to me to be around people. It’s nice. I was reminded of the importance of a good community, or really just community in general. I’m finishing off my Sunday with a pomegranate cosmo that my roommate made, while I sew and watch “Once.” I feel nice, encouraged and inspired. It’s good to be surrounded by people.

29 Jul

I have been thinking a lot lately about sin and imperfection. While, that’s not a bad thing to think about, if you are thinking about it in light of the gospel, it can become hard to say the least. Slowly, I’ve become a little downcast.

I’m about to burn my lunch, so I’m going to have to finish my thoughts later, but for now I will leave you with this quote that I saw on twitter this afternoon.

24 Jul

Sometimes I have these moments where I know that God is going to take care of me and do big things in my life. I’m writing this on the world wide web because I will inevitably forget it in 5 minutes.


Psalm 45

10 Jul

Today I’m struggling greatly with the sins of my past (and maybe some in the present). I’m dealing with shame and embarrassment. Lately sin is bubbling up at a rapid pace. It’s hard.  I struggle severely with wanting to put on a face, a face that makes me look like a good, sweet and wise Christian little woman. I find myself wanting to forfeit the grace of God and prove my merits. I have an ugly heart (apart from Christ), it’s deceitful above all, but so is everyone’s. However, I think mine may be worse. I think my baggage is a little bigger than everyone’s. I think I sin more. Now, I know this isn’t true, but I’m finding it hard to rest in the truth, that I am a beloved daughter of Christ. I am provided for. I am in the strong and tender hands of the sovereign God of the universe. He loves me. I have to remember this, because apart from it there is nothing but chaos and despair. Today, my arms are soar from pulling on my bootstraps. I need to rest in the loving kindness of a savior that is in love me, regardless of how I look and how unfaithful I am to him.

I’m gonna be honest, I don’t really know the intention of this psalm, but when I read it I feel beautiful and for the record, that never happens. To know that my king may actually think of me as beautiful stops me in my tracks. The king of the universe likes me and loves me. This is revolutionary stuff.

From Psalm 45:

Hear, O daughter, and consider, and incline your ear:
forget your people and your father’s house,
and the king will desire your beauty.
Since he is your lord, bow to him.
The people of Tyre will seek your favor with gifts,
the richest of the people.

All glorious is the princess in her chamber, with robes interwoven with gold.
In many-colored robes she is led to the king,
with her virgin companions following behind her.
With joy and gladness they are led along
as they enter the palace of the king.