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3 Oct

I’m ripping this picture off from multiple people on Facebook. I can’t resist. It is too wonderful.


3 Oct

Things that make me sad:

  • The increasing barrenness of my house
Things that make me happy:
  • The thought of moving in with the Campbells


2 Oct

My parents have been wanting to get another dog. They think Lulu needs a buddy. After weeks of looking through the papers they finally found a pup they wanted. We spent a while trying to come up with names. My three options were 1. Bonsai (a perfect pug name), 2. Lottie Moon (my mom likes to name her pups after famous women), 3. Dobby (a perfect name as well since pugs look like house elves). Needless to say all of my ideas were shot down. However, I did say that they should name her after a Golden Girl. So, they came up with Sophie, derived from Sophia Petrillo.

Lulu is a small pug, but she looks like a giant next to Sophie’s little 1.5 lb frame!

This isn’t the best picture of Lu, but Sophie looks so adorable!

Sophie’s breeder gave us this little dress. So cute!

They are going to best buds!


12 Aug

To Pinterest or not, that was the question! The answer to that question was: Heck yeah! I was super overwhelmed at first, but now I’m slightly addicted. Pinterest is a website where you create bulletin boards. You can keep up with recipes, dream home ideas, sewing ideas, favorite movies or books and so on. It is very overwhelming at first, but it. is. awesome. I’ve found lots of great gift ideas, sewing ideas, book suggestions and recipes.

Rain Drops on Roses…

8 Jul

I’m going to do an occiasional “these are a few of my favorite things” post.  So, here are some of my favorite things from the previous week.

My new scarf. I love it!

Weather. I love, love, love the rain!

Books. I heart books and I’m really enjoying this one.

Leftovers. Yummy leftover Pioneer Woman pasta!

A Harry Potter weekend. My roommates and I love when ABC Family has an entire Harry Potter weekend. All Harry, all the time!

My roommate recently read through all the books. We had so much fun talking through the books. This was a very common scene for a while around our abode.