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Weekend o’ Fun!

19 Jul

I got to spend with the weekend with Dusk and her little boy John! We had so much fun!


my favorite little boy

3 Jul

Last week I got to spend time with John! I woke him up from his nap so that we could play together for a little bit. These days I tend to carry my camera wherever I go, so of course I snapped a few shots.


2 May

>I got to spend some time with John the other day! He was a very gracious guinea pig! I took a lot of pictures on many different settings so that I could understand my camera a little more. Here’s a few of the pictures I took.

>it’s been awhile…

6 Feb

>I’m debating on the life span of this blog. If I’m not keeping up with it, should I keep doing it? I don’t know. While I debate I’ll update the four people on the interwebs that read this blog.

1. I moved in with Josie Moser back in August. I don’t really remember nor understand what is going on in this picture, but this is Josie trying to strangle me. We were on a cruise, more about that later.

Josie has a lot of random stuff in her house. I love it. Back in November I was awake one weekend for well over 40 hours because my best friend was having a baby (more about that later). I arrived home desperate for sleep. I got to the top of the stairs and Josie told me to close my eyes, she had a surprise. I heard some shuffling around. She told me to open my eyes and she was holding a ventriloquist clown dummy. I just stared. I had been awake for a long time and I thought I was maybe dreaming. A ventriloquist dummy + clown = very creepy. She also has lots of “As Seen On TV” products.

2. In October I went on a cruise to celebrate my friend Julie’s Birthday. It was Halloween weekend. Julie was Cat in the Hat and everyone else was Thing 1, Thing 2, Thing3 and so on…

Here’s Becca and I laying out one day!

The cruise was a blast we had a fun time and I can’t wait to go on another one!

3. My best friend had a baby! I had the amazing privilege and honor to be with Dusk and Daniel during the whole process. She called me when the contractions started. I spent time with at home until we went to the hospital and I got to stay in the delivery room until John was born.

Here’s Dusk and I at one of her baby showers:

My first time to hold John.

There’s definitely more to update, but for now, this will have to suffice.