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12 Aug

To Pinterest or not, that was the question! The answer to that question was: Heck yeah! I was super overwhelmed at first, but now I’m slightly addicted. Pinterest is a website where you create bulletin boards. You can keep up with recipes, dream home ideas, sewing ideas, favorite movies or books and so on. It is very overwhelming at first, but it. is. awesome. I’ve found lots of great gift ideas, sewing ideas, book suggestions and recipes.

Falling Slowly

31 Jul

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I love “Once.” The soundtrack and movie have yet to get old. Follow this video to the YouTube and enjoy!

I Heart Harry!

10 Jul




= An Excellent Sunday Night

>Sieze the Day meets Lady Gaga

30 May

>I saw this on the Stuff Christians Like blog. Jon Acuff says that “Newsies” was his generations “Gone with the Wind.” I couldn’t agree more!