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12 Aug

To Pinterest or not, that was the question! The answer to that question was: Heck yeah! I was super overwhelmed at first, but now I’m slightly addicted. Pinterest is a website where you create bulletin boards. You can keep up with recipes, dream home ideas, sewing ideas, favorite movies or books and so on. It is very overwhelming at first, but it. is. awesome. I’ve found lots of great gift ideas, sewing ideas, book suggestions and recipes.

To Pinterest or Not…

19 Jul

That is the question. Pinterest seems cool, but do I really want another online/socialish networking obligation? Anyone out there use Pinterest?

>can’t have too many scarves

17 Apr

>Here’s the project I start tonight:

Picture shamelessly borrowed from this blog!
And here’s a close up:

I have temporarily 86ed the cable scarf. I know, I know. I said my goal was to finish. Cabling is MUCH easier that I expected, but I keep making the same mistake, so I’m putting a hold on the project until I can find a knitting genius to help me troubleshoot.

Tonight I plan on wathcing the latest installment of Harry Potter, eating some yummy gluten free crackers and giving myself a headache as I attempt to understand this pattern.


12 Apr

>Since I finished the cowl, I thought that I would take on the challenge of making cables. I’ve never done it before. Turns out it’s a lot simpler than I thought. Again, I’m using my camera phone, so this is a terrible picture. You can’t see the prettiness of the green color in this picture.

My current goal with this scarf is to finish it. Yeesh. I love to start, but hate to finish.

12 Apr

>Well, I just knitted for the first time ever in the round. Not too shabby. I made this cowl.

It was super easy! Thanks Jenn for the pattern!!

7 Apr


Nothing gets me excited like oodles of skeins of yarn! Sad, I know. Regardless, I love it!! I can’t buy more yarn until I actually make it through the copious amounts of yarn protruding from under my bed and out of my closet. This evening I started a simple scarf. I really like a good stockinette stitch, however it tends to roll up at the end, so I’m edging the stitch in 3 knit stitches. It usually works out just fine!

It’s hard to see in this terrible picture, but I have fun green toe nails, on purpose, not a fungus or anything. For my 30th birthday I treated myself to a pedicure, green in honor of St. Patricks (my b’day). It was a terrible pedicure. The pedicurist impaled my foot. Anywho, soon I will have my new camera and I will be able to take better pictures. Yay for not depending on my cell phone as a camera!

>I’m a sewing machine…

12 Jan

>I’ve been locked up in the house for a couple of days due to the winter storm. My driveway has been a solid sheet of ice for days. I’ve kept busy with movies and sewing. I’ve made 1 baby blanket, 2 scarves, 3 head bands and multiple hats.

I like to use scraps for this head band. It’s unbelievably easy and only take minutes! Here’s the pattern!

I love making this hat. It’s really easy and quick as well. The pattern calls for using woolease, thick and quick, but I used Lion Brand hometown. It’s just important to use really thick yarn. Here’s the pattern!

This hat took a little more time. It took a little time to figure the pattern out. It turned out super cute! I really like it! Here’s the pattern!

>Baby Blanket

1 Jan

>This is a picture of my sweet cousin’s little girl. They just texted it to me. She is draped in a little blanket that I made for her. It’s a Lionbrand shell pattern and I highly recommend the pattern. It’s easy and very cute! I didn’t do the shell border instead I did a ruffly border with just double crochets.