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My Friday Night

14 Oct





Fun Night!

3 Oct

Things that make me sad:

  • The increasing barrenness of my house
Things that make me happy:
  • The thought of moving in with the Campbells

Photo Challenge: Day 19

2 Oct

Something Orange

Not the best picture, but I dig it.


2 Sep

Airing your dirty laundry is where freedom starts. I would like to submit that airing laundry, dirty or not, is simply wonderful. I have a lot going on my life right now, and most of it I can’t talk about on this oh-so-public blog. Last Sunday I was able to share with about 10 close friends in my LIFE group. I didn’t realize how good it would feel to share with my community. My world is currently wrapped up in the future and it feels so nice to be able to share my world with others. Sharing your passions and hopefully getting other people wrapped up in your passions is pretty wonderful! I heart community!

if it’s not one thing it’s another…

25 Aug

A few Saturday’s ago I stopped to get some coffee on the way to my sweet friend Heather’s lingerie shower. I sat in the O’Henry’s parking lot listening to a meowing sound. It was loud. I thought there was a cat in my car. I stepped out of the Buick, popped the hood and looked around. No cat. I then decided that someone around me had a cat in their car and that was the sound I was hearing. I hobbled into the coffee shop (I’m wearing a cast, long story) and purchased a delicious cup of iced coffee. Upon exiting, I noticed an orange car parked next to my car. A man hopped out and started to walk away, but stopped, tilted his head and listened. I walked up to him and said, “Do you hear it too?” He asked if the lovely silver Buick parked next to his hideous orange car was mine. I reluctantly said yes. The man got down on the ground, looked around and didn’t see anything. However, the sound of the cat got louder and louder. Finally, orange car dude said that he thinks the cat was in my trunk. He said that I should drive home, open the trunk and let the cat find its way back to its owner. I reluctantly got behind the wheel and as I started the car I shuddered. I heard one LOUD meow and then nothing. I got home. My roommate and I looked and looked and looked, but there was no indication of a cat (dead or alive) in my car. I drove to my parent’s house and my dad looked around. Nothing. At this point I had missed the shower all together. I ended up spending the day in Atlanta with a friend, while my car sat outside in the 100+ heat in Birmingham. I got home late that night. I slowly walked up to my car expecting to smell the terrible stench of crushed kitty. I am happy to report that there was no smell! The only conclusion I can come to is that the kitty wiggled loose once I started my car.

This was a first for me. I mean, how many times have you had to call a friend and say, “Hey. Listen, I can’t make it to your shower because a cat is stuck under my car.”

Here’s the gift that I would have given Heather if only I was able to attend.


12 Aug

A friend from church works at Dreamcakes. He had us over on Sunday to teach us how to ice and decorate cakes. There was about 20 of us and we were competing for the best decorated cake. We learned how professionals ice a cake and then he pretty much set us loose to decorate however we wanted.

Here’s my roommate decorating her beach cake:

Almost finished cake:

Emily and I:

All the cakes:

Here is the award winning cake! That’s right ladies and gents, I won! My prize a gift certificate to Dreamcakes!!!!

One Busy Weekend!

12 Aug

So, right after I complain about being lonely and having no life I soon entered in to one super busy and fun weekend. I’ve been using some vacation days lately and taking 3 day weekends. Last weekend was my roommate’s birthday so we celebrated all weekend. I took lots of pictures during the weekend, but long story short, I lost a lot of them.

Friday night:

Drinks and then Harry Potter 7.2 3D IMAX (again)


Pepper Place, coffee, scones, sew, nap, got a new phone, Betolla (absolutely delicious), Parkside

Sideways picture of the laterns at Parkside


Church, Bottletree for brunch, nap, decorated cakes at Dreamcakes

Overall, it was a super fun weekend spent with friends!

31 Jul

I live a rather lonely life these days. I don’t say that for sympathy, it’s just a fact. I seriously do very little outside of work. This weekend was, thankfully, a different story. Originally I didn’t have any plans. One of my roommates took me across the street to a friend’s house and we made martinis on Friday night. They were real martinis, no added flavor. And for the record, a standard martini is gross. We drank our martinis and spent the night talking. I worked all day Saturday. After work I didn’t have any plans. My roommate took me to the Summit with our neighbor where we enjoyed Zoey’s and went shopping. We finished our night at Church Street Coffee and Books. We enjoyed our tea and talked extensively about our Myers-Briggs personality type (I’m an E/INFP). Sunday I worked. I came home from work and took a little nap before meeting a long, lost friend for dinner at Surin.

I’m giving a detailed description of my weekend (I’m sure you care) because it meant the world to me to be around people. It’s nice. I was reminded of the importance of a good community, or really just community in general. I’m finishing off my Sunday with a pomegranate cosmo that my roommate made, while I sew and watch “Once.” I feel nice, encouraged and inspired. It’s good to be surrounded by people.

Courtney’s Surprise Party

19 Jul

Courtney was in town on her 30th birthday so her husband organized a fun surprise party! It was so much fun!

Happy Birthday Josie!

7 Jul

We had a party for my friend and former roomie Josie. It was so much fun! There were about 15 people there, but these were the only shots I took!